One of the most common questions I get is, "My person is dying, how can I prepare myself?" So, I thought is would be helpful to put the guidance, tips and tricks I've learned over the years of healthcare & hospice experience, death coaching experience, and personal experience all together in one course, so others can learn them too.
Whether your dying person is at home, at a facility, or you are the one caring for them, join me to learn how to prepare yourself for this important life stage transition so you can stop feeling so uncertain and start taking back what you can control.
Who is this for?
- If your person is dying
- If you're preparing yourself for your person's end-of-life transition and stage of life
- If you want additional support and guidance as you navigate your person's dying process
Now Open For Enrollment
Caring for a dying person doesn't have to be only struggle

We are serious about helping people navigate the end-of-life journey who truly want the help. We are dedicated to supporting and helping you and this course is designed to do just that. If after registering and going through a couple of the lessons you realize it's not the right fit, no worries! We will provide you with a full refund within the first five days of trying the course and with less than 25% of the course completed. Just contact us here!
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I access this mini-course?
ALL course lessons are inside a private member website. You will get your own special password to enter the website. From there, you can watch all of the recorded video lessons any time you want, so you can move at your own pace from the comfort of your own home. Every video was made to be quick & easily digestible knowing that time is precious and your brain is already overwhelmed.
What special equipment do I need?
No special equipment is needed to participate. All you need is an open mind, willingness to learn, and internet access. If you've ever been able to watch videos from a computer, laptop, phone, or tablet, then you will have all the equipment you need to fully participate.
How long do I have access to everything?
As of August, 2024 we have updated this course access. You have access to The 6 Most Important Things To Do Before They Die Mini-Course for life. This includes any updated content, bonuses, and resource materials. You can access them as often and as many times as you like during that time. We recommend having 5 minutes a day or 1 hour a week to dedicate to this course.
Can I join later?
You can join later, but I cannot guarantee the price will be the same. We are always updating our programs and with that, our prices continue to go up. I also strongly urge you to join earlier rather than later because the longer you wait, the less time you have to plan ahead, prepare yourself, and feel better throughout this journey.